Friday, November 10, 2006

Writing an argumentative essay

What are assessors looking for?
 To be told clearly what you have learned about a specific topic.
* When writing the essay, answer the question but ask!!
* When you are writing an argumentative essay you should
have a position/ view/ stance on the topic
* When to state your position?
 CLEARLY in the “BIGNIINIG” of the essay
it is for practical purpose : to help the markers to evaluate the essay
* AVOID “generalization” : EVIDENCES must be provide
1) examples
2) Statistics data
* How to organize?
1) State the criteria (Vertical)
2) Find out the pros and cons (Horizontal)

1. Position
2. Evidences(pros and cons)
3. Decision(Restate the position)
* Position can be “it depends brabra…..” but the conclusion must be clear!!

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